Thursday, July 22, 2010

I often have so much moving through my mind at any given time that I am unable to decide which thought to follow - internally or externally. I love that the possibilities are endless, but am frustrated that at times that I cannot easily choose which path to follow. Today, for instance, ideas for how to spend a warm summer day - swimming, visiting friends, dropping off items for Goodwill, vacuuming pet hair (which I seem to have a great deal of - oooh, maybe I research spinning it into thread - see, now I've come up with something new), visiting the High and so much more.

I love the possibilities. What shall be chosen?


Mare said...

So? Did the pet hair win out? ;)

Unknown said...

Mare, we had a pet hair contest - Lucy and I tried to see who could suck up the most hair (using the vacuum not anything else ;).

We also sent many items to goodwill and then bought some to bring home ;)