Friday, December 30, 2011

Pink Pig

Today, we got to do a favorite - visit Priscilla the Pink Pig.  I've been going since the 70's and my mother before me since the 50's - back then it was Rich's Pink Pig.  I rode round the bottom of a giant tree in downtown Atlanta.  Mom rode on a track round the inside of Rich's itself - did I mention that said track hung from the ceiling?  One year we had 3 generations of Pink Pig riders on the train (Mom, myself, Taran and Lucy)!


I love taking Taran and Lucy every year - we have so much fun.  This year, Priscilla even wished us a Happy Winter Solstice - recognize!


Mare said...

Whoot! Happy Winter Solstice to the Savages! =)

Btw, love Taran's eye!

Unknown said...

That eye roll is something I am trying to perfect - he does it so well;)